Don't let problems creep up on you

It is rare that directors or business owners wake up one morning to find that disaster has suddenly struck. Financial problems tend to be insidious.

Indications that something is wrong may be more obvious to others than they are to you. Busy firefighting and juggling your budget it is understanding that you might fail to spot the warning signs. If you are in any doubt please get in touch. Invariably the earlier you contact us the more we can do to help.

How can McTear Williams & Wood help?

  • It's said that the spectator sees more of the game. We can spot the warning signs when you might be too close to see the dangers
  • Early intervention nearly always leads to more options and better outcomes. There are many more things you can do whilst your company is still solvent
  • Our best advice is often our free initial consultation that can help to set a business heading back in the right direction
  • Use our traffic light system to self-diagnose your situation

If action is taken early there is often a good chance of a successful business turnaround. However, once decline has set in the chances of success become more remote and formal insolvency ends up being the only option.

We see many business owners who have had their heads in the sand for months or even years. We understand why! Facing up to the situation can be harsh, painful and involve difficult decisions. But the sooner it is done the better outcome there is likely to be. We help directors and business owners of SME and family run businesses throughout East Anglia and London who are in this situation all the time - our expertise and sympathetic approach means that you don't need to face financial problems alone.

For more information or to get in touch call us on freephone 0800 331 7417.

McTear Williams & Wood Brochure

A brief guide to insolvency