Winding up order in Ipswich

No company wants to go under, but if your business is in severe distress, then act now for the best outcome.

Find out all the facts about your current situation

Call now on 0800 331 7417

If you have been made the subject of a winding up order, there’s no doubt that you may feel personally responsible for this situation. With the pressures of modern life and business this could be a hard time in your life. With the Court now appointing an Official Receiver your current situation may seem very difficult with little chance for you to ever start up your own venture again.

You might be surprised to discover however that there are still a number of routes available to you that could see your business fight its way back to profitability and growth. With expert advice from McTear Williams & Wood we will assist you in achieving the best outcome for your business. In one simple consultation session, usually lasting around 1-2 hours we can discuss your winding up order at our Ipswich offices. This will give you clarity on both your own situation and all the options that may be available to you.

Why use us?

  • Free initial appointment - McTear Williams & Wood are always happy to provide you with a review of your situation before you officially engage our services.
  • You’ll always deal with a senior practitioner - all our cases are handled by a leading director in the business, giving you the most comprehensive advice possible for your situation.
  • Expert advice and service - as a specialist insolvency focused business there are no situations that we have not seen before, allowing us to bring a depth of experience to your particular instance.
  • Understanding your personal situation – having been business owners ourselves we have the insight and empathy into the stresses and strains a winding up order can cause.
  • Help you buy back your company - many directors choose to purchase their business and assets back. We can help you achieve a positive outcome from such as process.

Act now

There are always options available to you even in the toughest times for your business. The important thing is to make a decisive move before your range of choices becomes limited. In a simple hour long initial consultation focusing on your winding up order with our experts based in Ipswich you can find out what courses of action are available to you.  Call McTear Williams & Wood on 0800 331 7417