Chris Williams
Prospect House
Rouen Road
D: 01603 877541
T: 01603 877540
M: 07802 253473
Chris specialises in business insolvency and is one of the founding Directors of McTear Williams & Wood.
- Advises and provides innovative solutions to stakeholders on best outcomes in business insolvency and distress situations.
- Respected advisor to directors, shareholders and stakeholders on responsibilities and solutions in distressed situations.
- Experienced in most sectors and supported by a strong team
Education/ previous employment
- Qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1975 and Licensed Insolvency Practitioner in 1995.
- Previously worked at PwC and KPMG.
- Founded McTear Williams & Wood in 2000 as a boutique business rescue and insolvency firm practising across East Anglia and, more recently, in London.
- Fellow of the ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales).
- Member of R3 (Association of Business Recovery Professionals). Previous roles included R3 Policy Group Committee Member, Chairman of
- R3 Regional Committee and Council member.