
Business angels

Turnaround business angels are experienced investors who have strong managerial or professional backgrounds, often having been involved in troubleshooting or turnaround situations.

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Last Updated: 28/10/2024

How can business angels help?

They have an appetite to invest in financially distressed situations and their experience of managing change, clarifying objectives and of setting and realising goals is of immeasurable value.

Our turnaround business angel network (t-ban) matches pro-active investors with businesses facing financial difficulties setting them off on a fresh track. Investors usually participate in the management of the company to restructure the business introducing new working capital, new management and re-engineering business practices.

Situations where t-ban has already been successful vary widely assisting companies with turnovers between £500,000 and £20 million and making investments ranging up to £500,000.

If you are a business manager or professional with time and/or money to invest in companies in difficulty which need financial backing and strategic guidance consider joining t-ban by contacting us or download our turnaround finance brochure.

The best course of action

We understand the pressures and can help you identify the best course of action. We are experienced and can offer innovative solutions to your problems, we never judge but we do offer impartial, independent and completely confidential advice.

Other personal insolvency solutions can include informal arrangements, debt management plans or individual voluntary arrangements (‘IVAs’).

Phil Bailey


Phil is an experienced turnaround and recovery director with over 28 years of experience and joined McTear Williams & Wood as an associate in 2020.

  • Over 28 years of banking experience working with corporate clients worldwide.
  • Five years as a turnaround director helping clients in the early stages of cashflow difficulties and avoiding defaults and insolvency processes.
  • Advising on access to alternative forms of funding and advice on managing banking relationships.

Phil has worked in Corporate Banking throughout East Anglia including King’s Lynn, Norwich, Cambridge and Peterborough.

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