Whilst business problems in the UK are not uncommon, many directors are still unaware of all the choices they have in adverse conditions.  When HMRC is constantly contacting you by letter, email and phone about your outstanding PAYE, VAT and corporation tax bills and the liabilities are mounting up – it’s understandable that many believe this is an insurmountable positon.

However with modern insolvency law you still have routes back to profitability.  A pre-pack administration will allow you to technically liquidate your company, selling off your assets to satisfy your creditors, whilst buying them back as a third party investor and then relaunching you enterprise as a new legal company.  Many businesses achieve a smooth transition from distressed business to new entity with no loss of jobs or customers

McTear Williams & Wood has a proven track record of supporting companies like yours through the difficult process of a pre-pack administration.  As a result we understand all the potential pitfalls and can ensure that if you decide to enact any such arrangement that we can make the move as simple and easy as possible.

How it works
  • Dedicated insolvency practitioners  - allowing us to give you the full benefit of our experience working with businesses like your – helping you avoid all the potential pitfalls and difficulties in the process.
  • Confidential expert advice  - any advice we provide you is completely private in line with the highest professional standards set by our industry. Additionally we are able to meet you outside of your busy business days.
  • Free consultation session  - our first consultation session is always free of charge and this often gives you access to our best advice and our ideas for your business’s next step.
  • Effective turnaround support  - if you are unsure as to whether your business might be salvageable, McTear Williams & Wood is able to provide you with all the services to turn your business around.

Are you considering this move?  If so then act now for the best result.

Get a full appreciation of all the options available to you by discussing a potential pre-pack administration at our Bedford offices with one of our senior partners.  All information is treated in the strictest confidence.

How else can we help?  Other services we offer in your area: