
Who would buy a house that’s about to fall off a cliff in Suffolk?

A house just yards from a cliff edge in Suffolk has been sold for an undisclosed sum. The house at Easton Bavents near Southwold suffered severe damage from winter storms leaving it just 26ft away from the cliff edge. The home is in imminent danager of falling victim to coastal erosion. The house may seem worthless but the new owner of the property can benefit from Waveney District Council’s planning policy that permits the granting of planning permission on land which would not ordinarily qualify.

Andrew McTear, partner at McTear Williams & Wood said: “We have been very clear about the property’s future and have informed interested parties of the problems. The only reason anyone would want to purchase it is for the opportunity it affords for the development of another side in the locality.”

The Easton Bavents home was due to be auctioned by Aldreds in Great Yarmouth on 13 March 2014, but a buyer was found beforehand and the sale was completed on 5 February.

18 February 2014

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