
J D Cooling Systems Limited (in administration)

Last Updated: 29/05/2024

J D Cooling Systems Limited, a business based in King’s Lynn which has a nationwide coverage in service and maintenance of all types of cooling systems was placed into administration in August.

Specialist Business Rescue and Insolvency company, McTear Williams & Wood are pleased to have been able to assist with the sale of part of the business of J D Cooling Systems Ltd to a new company.

Jo Watts, joint administrator and associate director at McTear Williams & Wood said “Every case is different but in this instance we were able to save over 40 jobs and see the servicing and maintenance part of the business continue with its many loyal customers, which in today’s economic climate is a very good outcome.

It is currently predicted that there will be a dividend to unsecured creditors and we are inviting creditors to submit claims in the administration.

Saving a business in this way is not unchartered territory for McTear Williams & Wood. Within a very strict professional code of conduct we are pleased the business has been given the restart it needed.

4 September 2023

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