Business Health Check in Bury St Edmunds

Find out the facts on your Bury St Edmunds company's financial future with our simple business health checker.  Take 10 minutes and access vital legal and insolvency advice from this simple health check.

Start Your Business Health Check Now

Cashflow difficulties, business on extended credit, customers going bankrupt or market changes impacting your profits?  In such circumstances it can be tough to know where your business should head next.  Yes, there are options to reduce the pressure and provide a clear strategic route back to calmer waters - and the first step is evaluating your current position.

Use the Business Healthcheck to get vital information on the future for your Bury St Edmunds company.  McTear Williams & Wood has designed this software in five simple sections that go through your current circumstances using this information to provide a detailed report on the potential next steps available for your business.

With a combined insolvency and accounting experience that stretches over a 25 year period McTear Williams & Wood give you access to advice that could be invaluable to your business rescue journey.  Use the comprehensive information provided to help plan your next move.

Complete the healthcheck and find out the following:

  • The impact of current shortfalls in the business - how could critical employee shortages or a lack of forecasting effect your future?
  • Your entitlements as a company director - should you be taking money out of the company as a dividend payment during this accounting year?
  • Simple legal implications - could a winding up petition or an administration order cause your business to cease trading?
  • Your position with HMRC- what actions should your business take to resolve any difficulties with the taxman?
  • How to resolve your existing debt - is it possible for you to consolidate all your debt in order to manage payments to your creditors?

Act now for the best result

If you are experiencing business difficulties then there are probably still many options available for you to return to profitability and achieve growth. By acting quickly and completing our Business Healthcheck for your Bury St Edmunds based business you will gain a wider understanding on the options available to you.

If you have any questions regarding the health check then contact us.

Start Your Business Health Check Now